





The day I was captured a Mr. Bowden, the Australian Trade Commissioner from Singapore, was on the same launch. As senior man who could speak Japanese, he took on the job of interpreter. A month after we were taken to a large cinema hall where our baggage was searched by a Japanese corporal. Mr. Bowden claimed diplomatic privileges. This Japanese corporal, I was standing about five feet away from him, beat him over the face and kicked him. He called to his private to bring his rifle. Mr. Bowden was marched out. We heard two shots. The Japanese corporal and the private then came back into the cinema hall. The private cleaned the rifle and put it back in the rack. Soon after this we moved up to coolie lines where internees and prisoners of war were all mixed. I took over as interpreter. I checked through the guardroom and a Corporal McGahan of the RAF told me that he and two companions had surrendered to a Japanese patrol. They had their hands up but were promptly bayoneted and were kicked into the ditch by the side of the road and again bayoneted. Corporal McGahan had three bayonet wounds through his body.



A few days later I checked through the guardroom and Stoker Loyd, he was the only one that had escaped from a party of 16 men who had been shot and bayoneted on the beaches of Bangka.

And again towards the end of February I checked through the guardroom, Sister Bullwinkle -- Sister Bullwinkle was the only survivor of some 22 women who had been shot on the beaches of Bangka.


In July 1943 we were all of a sudden taken home from our working parties and shut up into the camp. Our sick from the Charitas Hospital were brought into camp. That evening Lieutenant Visser and a Dutch sergeant were arrested by the Kempei Tai. Dr. Tecklenberg, Senior Medical Officer of the hospital, and all his staff including the Roman Catholic nuns were arrested. On the third day we resumed working parties. Three weeks later Lieutenant Visser and the Dutch sergeant were brought back into our camp. Their bodies were in a fearful state. They told us they had suffered the water torture; lighted cigars had been put out on their stomachs and private parts until they were forced to confess. About ten days later they were re-arrested by the Kempei Tai and were court. martialed to prison sentences. After the surrender the two sisters who were serving prison sentences were released by the Kempei Tai and we accommodated them in our camp. Sister told me that Dr. Tecklenberg had been sentenced to work in the tin mines at Bangka. Dr. Tecklenberg died while he was working in the mines.
